Field assets and data collection.

The way it should be.
Locus is your one-stop-shop for real-time field asset management and sample data collection.
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Locus mobile app screenshot preview of map view with assets, asset details, distance, and polygons.
Agility depiction


Modify your project design and data collection methodology in the field, great for projects where things may change unexpectedly or where data collection needs to be adaptable.
No need to create forms on desktop and sync with mobile devices - Asset descriptors, sample types can all be added or edited in the field and changes are instantly visible to team members.
Real-time data depiction


Asset locations & data streamed in real-time = easy collaboration and monitoring.
Users can see when assets are deployed in the field and when sample data is collected. It's easy for team leaders to manage workflows and for team members to stay on top of their tasks.
Easy use depiction


With an intuitive, self-explanatory interface and functionality, you don't need a degree to use it (but it might help you get one!)
Feature packed mobile field data collection depiction

Feature packed

Input and retrieve data via barcode scanning, draw shapes and take measurements right in the map, and export your data with ease.
Secure and shareable data with real-time visualisation depiction
Secure and shareable data with real-time visualisation
Your data is secure. Fully encrypted end-to-end. Project Owners and Admins have complete control of the level of data access for team members. From who can collect samples and edit descriptors to who can export project data.
Your data is powerful. Export your data seamlessly to Google Drive or via email and messaging apps. Easily see how your project sampling is going with real time in-app data visualisation.
Take your fieldwork to the next level with Locus depiction
Take your fieldwork to the next level with Locus
Locus has your back wherever you are. With offline mode enter data, take photos, or make project edits even without an internet connection, when connection is restored, all data is automatically synced. Never lose track of a data point! Locus navigation can give you driving and walking directions back to your in-field assets.
Locus is your digital toolkit. Measure distance along lines and between assets. Calculate areas of polygons and circles inside the map interface. Work efficiently and avoid human error! Locus can record and retrieve asset and sample records with any kind of barcode or QR code.
Our story
Locus was designed and built by end users like you! We were working on field research projects and had two choices: Use pen and paper to record data, or download apps that were difficult to use, not very customisable, and expensive!
We wanted an app that could be used to record and share field data that was affordable, simple to use but also powerful and flexible.

Why choose Locus?

Phone with trophy relating to why choose Locus
Green checkbox relating to agile field app
The most agile field app on the market
Create a whole project, invite team members, assign permissions and define all asset and sampling parameters all on your mobile device. Many other apps require you to create pre-built forms and sync updates between desktop and mobile devices. We focus on what's important, getting you out there to do your work! Change anything you want on the fly. All updates are instantly visible to the whole team.
Green checkbox relating to easy to use field app
Super easy to use
Other apps require days of training to use, with Locus you'll be up and running in minutes. Like our website, our app is simple to understand and simple to use.
Green checkbox relating to better and cheaper field app
Better and cheaper
Our pricing is simple and clear. We have an affordable tier for everyone including a free tier that doesn't require a convoluted permissions process. Locus is hands down the cheapest mobile data collection tool of its kind out there! In fact most research students can do their whole project for free.
Data security
Concerned about privacy, backups and data loss?
Green gear to represent security, privacy, backups and data loss
Our security is world-class.
We utilise the highest forms of encryption throughout the stack to stop man-in-the-middle attacks dead in their tracks. There are multiple security mechanisms in place both on the client and on the backend for every operation in the app. This is the weakest link with most other apps, but we've got you more than covered.
Quotes for user testimonials
I like the flexibility in editing the categories, so no need to do everything all over again like in ODK. Also the integration of the map alongside the data collection process is crucial in actual field scenarios.
Xiaobei Wang
Project Officer CSIRO
This has made our lives so much easier. Locus is so simple to use, I was able to get our whole field team on the new project, using the app and collecting samples in under an hour standing in the field!
Laura Jones
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