Design and modify your project anytime, anywhere with Locus.
As a student undertaking the data collection component of your project you'll be spending a lot of time designing your sampling methodology. It's important to get it right at the beginning, but in reality things can change!
Let's say you are beginning your field work and your design involves taking water samples along a creek. According to your design you are collecting information about each sampling site (in Locus we call this an 'Asset'), you make notes about the substrate and the types of aquatic plants growing at each site (we call these 'Descriptors').
One day you are out collecting your water samples and you notice that your 'assets' are also characterised by the different terrestrial vegetation growing nearby. With the Locus mobile app it's no problem to add a new descriptor to your project design in the field, even without an internet connection! Simply create the new descriptor and it will immediately be available to add to your asset attributes, all changes will automatically be saved locally and will sync to your project account once you are back in range.
The same goes for making changes to the types of samples that you collect. Let's say you began by only collecting water samples at each site, but one day you decide to also collect aquatic plant samples. No problem! You can add or edit or remove sample types any time you choose, online or offline.
The Locus mobile app makes data collection super flexible! It gives you, the project owner, the ability to modify your project however you want and wherever you are!